Old Barn Northlew website logo, an outline of a swallow flying behind the text

Where to find us

Leaving the A30 at Okehampton, The Old Barn is situated 10 miles away, just outside the village of Northlew.  If you click on directions in the map above, it will tell you everything you need to know about your journey and if you use the '+' button in the bottom right you can zoom in for more local detail.  Both of the two options to get to us from the A30 have a petrol station, which guests tell us takes some of the stress away when planning journeys.

We are ideally situated for trips to Dartmoor National Park (20 mins), Bude and its gorgeous beaches (30 mins), the city of Exeter (45 mins) and Doc Martin's Port Isaac (1hr 10). Our ever growing 'Places Of Interest' tab has further links to some of the amazing places we are close to in Devon and Cornwall.